Monday, 27 October 2008


My name is Neil Petrie and I'm a 41 year old computing student with the Open University. I've just finished what I hope was my penultimate year of a BSc Computing degree, with only the Computing Project and a course on AI to go in 2009.

I live in West Sussex with my wife, Lesley, and two dogs, Ruby & Java. (I know - but honestly it was a cooincidence; Ruby came with the name already installed.) I'm a free-lance web designer and part-time dog trainer although you'd never guess it if you'd met mine.

In my free time I read lots of books of most genres, walk the W. Sussex countryside, listen to (mostly) loud music, play computer games, watch football, rugby, cricket & motor cycling (Arsenal, Gloucester, Sussex and Hayden if you're interested) and perform poorly executed DIY.

This blog will form part of my contribution to the Mass Writing Project being run by Darrel Ince of the OU. I've no idea how things are going to go as I have never been involved in anything like this before and also have never written a blog before.

So, here goes...


  1. Good on you for supporting sense about science, was it the Simon Singh case that convinced you we need to do something?

  2. Thanks Martin - it was a combination of the Simon Singh case and the writing of Ben Goldacre which turned me on to SAS.

    Spread the word I say.
